Line up 4 chips of the same colour in a row before your partner and win the final reward in this Kamasutra Connect version.
You’ll want to play without stopping!
-42 chips (21 pink + 21 black), each with a different Kamasutra position.
-1 detachable playing board.
Each player selects a colour to play with.
Flip a coin to determine who goes first. Each player takes turns placing a chip of their selected colour into the grid.
The aim of the game is to make Play4Sex (align 4 of your chips on the board vertically, horizontally or diagonally) while blocking your opponent from doing the same.
The first player to do Play4Sex in any direction wins the round, but the best of 3 rounds wins the game. The winner will have the right to choose one Kamasutra position (from the 4 options that make up their winning line) to practice with their partner at the end of the game.
If no player manages to get 4 in a line of the same colour, then it’s a tie and a new round will be played to break the tie.
Available in 8 languages (Spanish, English, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, Polish)